The Beauty of Autumn

By: Ayrwyn Cousins

Many people struggle with seasonal depression (a mild to severe form of depression that occurs during particular seasons, especially autumn and winter) during this time, myself included. I think it's important that we remind ourselves of all of the beauty in autumn and the positivity it has to offer. Regardless of its cold temperatures and dry winds, autumn is arguably the most beautiful time of year. The world suddenly explodes with color, and you get that crisp leaf smell everywhere you go. Speaking of leaves, there are tons on the ground for you to step on and crush at your heart's desire! That is one of my favorite things about autumn. But silliness aside, I think the most beautiful part about autumn is the warmness and feeling of community it brings. 

Thanksgiving (in my opinion) is one of the warmest holidays of the year. I see it as a time to get together with friends and family and share your love and thankfulness for one another. That feeling of thankfulness doesn’t dissipate as soon as the holiday is over. It continues throughout the whole season and perhaps long after autumn is over. Thanksgiving reminds us what to be thankful for and shows us how lucky we are to have one another. Thanksgiving isn't the only ‘warm’ thing about Autumn. Autumn is defined by warm colors, tea, cider, pumpkins, cinnamon and cloves, and so many other warm, bright, and cozy things. Normally I never want to sit and read a book, but autumn makes me want to cozy up by a fireplace and read all day. 

Seeing friends and family is especially fun during Autumn, especially in October because of Halloween (and Thanksgiving, as previously mentioned). Most people don’t enjoy watching horror movies– myself included. Why would I subject myself to an hour or two of pure torture and terror for... fun? But in October, it's completely different. Suddenly I’m considering watching the new Saw movie in theaters. Why? BECAUSE IT'S AUTUMN! Go out with your loved ones and enjoy a horror flick, or if horror really doesn’t float your boat, a fun family movie. 

Regardless, autumn is a time of love and fun. It is a time to look at the world around you and really take in just how beautiful it is. It’s a time to simply breathe and enjoy being alive– the candy and sweets in October are a huge plus though… 


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